Monday, December 30, 2013

Popcorn sales news

Thanks to everyone who participated in the popcorn sales.  The Pack did a great job!

Many thanks to Dj Hill who spearheaded our sales effort.  She did a FANTASTIC job and contributed many hours of her time to ensure we had a successful event.  She also attended training sessions and did other work which resulted in us getting a higher percentage of the sales.  THANKS Dj!!

Overall we grossed $2922.00

Of that, our share is $971.14.

Of that, we divided it with the boys who sold popcorn.  To do this, we are creating "Scout Accounts".  These are not actual accounts, but rather amounts we are keeping in the Pack checking account but allowing the boys to spend.  There is no official account at the Scout Store.   To use the monies, the boys need to provide the Pack with receipts and we will reimburse them.  The funds can be used for anything at the Scout Store in Salinas, or for approved Scout equipment such as camping gear that you might find at REI, etc.  If your Scout intends to purchase something, please run it by the committee just to make sure it is a Scout item.  The funds are not to be used for electronic games, for example.

The amounts we have credited to each boy are:

Thomas M:  $5.70 scout bucks

Eamon M:   $42.90 scout bucks

Mark F:    $37.50 scout bucks

Aiden B:   $20.85 scout bucks

Noah F:  $64.50 scout bucks

Cayden T:  $84.15 scout bucks

Brayden G:   $32.70 scout bucks

Michael T:   $18.15 scout bucks

Gordy H:   $97.65 scout bucks

Christopher G:  $22.20 scout bucks.
These numbers may be adjusted slightly as Dj does the final tally.
If any figures look incorrect, please let us know.
Thanks again to all!! 
Steve Tackett

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