Sunday, February 10, 2019

Pack Meeting Monday, February 11th, Blue and Gold Dinner Monday, February 25th and Aquarium Overnight Payment

Pack 93 Families,

Just a quick reminder that our first Pack meeting of February will be held Monday night, February 11th at the Church. 

For future planning, our annual Blue and Gold potluck dinner will be on Monday, February 25th, starting at 5:30 pm (please note the earlier start time since dinner is involved!).  Please plan on bringing either a main-dish, side dish or dessert and indicate what you are bringing on the signup sheet so everyone knows. This is always a fun night with delicious food and entertaining skits. 

If you signed up for the Monterey Bay Aquarium Overnight, please remember to pay using either our Square site at: or by check (made out to "Pack 93" and delivered to your Den Leader) at our next meeting. 
Hope to see you all at our February events! 

Monday, February 4, 2019

Aquarium Signup Deadline

Pack 93 Families,

We need to submit our final numbers to the Monterey Bay Aquarium on Wednesday, February 6th, so if you would like to attend with your scout and other family members, please sign up today.  If you sign up after the deadline, we can't guarantee a spot.  As a reminder, the Pack will pay $45 of the $95 fee for each scout.

We hope everyone will join us!