Thursday, February 17, 2022


Garland Ranch Hike Reminder


Our February hike is at Garland Ranch Regional Park in Carmel Valley this Saturday 2/19 at 10:00 am.

This is part of the Monterey Bay Trekker patch series ( ).

We will meet in the parking lot at Garland Ranch at 10:00am.

Please dress in layers as you never know what the weather has in store lately!  Bring water, sunscreen and hats for the hike. If you want to picnic at the end of the hike, you can pack a light lunch or snacks.

Garland Ranch Regional Park is located at 700 W Carmel Valley Rd, Carmel Valley, CA 93924.  More info on the park, including directions can be found at .


So we know who will be joining us, please sign up on the attendance spreadsheet on the blog at: .


We hope to see you there!

Tuesday, February 8, 2022



Pack 93,

The committee met on 2/7 to plan out our activity calendar for the next few months.  Many of these require a tentative headcount estimate and deposit to reserve so we are asking that you review the attendance spreadsheet and sign up. (in some cases this is just to gauge interest for planning purposes).


February Hike – Saturday, 2/19 at Garland Ranch.  We’ll meet at 10am in the parking lot.  Don’t forget to bring water, sunscreen, hats and snacks.  Please sign up so we know who to expect.


Pinewood Derby/Blue & Gold – Saturday, 3/12 at 11am.  The decision was made to combine the Derby and Blue & Gold into 1 event.  Derby first and then we’ll eat!  Please sign up if you plan on attending the meal.


USS Hornet Overnight – Saturday, 4/23 – Sunday, 4/24.  We are asking you to sign up on the attendance sheet if you have an interest going.  This is to gauge headcount numbers for our reservation and deposit.  When we get closer to the event we’ll ask to confirm your RSVP and will provide further details.  Siblings/other family members can join us, but please note that children need to be 7 or older to participate.


Family Camp at Big Sur – Friday, 5/20 – Sunday, 5/22.  We are asking you to sign up on the attendance sheet if you have an interest going.  This is to gauge headcount numbers for our reservation and to plan for meals and activities.  When we get closer to the event we’ll ask to confirm your RSVP and will provide further details.  


If you have any questions on these activities please reach out to your Den leader.


Thank you!