Thursday, November 30, 2017

Mistletoe Sales - Sat Dec 2

Hi All,

We had such great fun getting it all together - but now we need the boys to meet and greet with the public and help sell the large remainder.

We really need volunteers for this Saturday. Currently we have no one signed up for Saturday the 2nd.

Please remember we use these funds to buy things for the boys throughout the year.

In case you missed it... here's a re-posting of details for the events.

On the attendance spreadsheet, choose one or more 2-hour block
  • Del Monte Center: Dec 2, 9, 16 (10-2P)
  • Star Market: Dec 10, 17 (10:30 - 12:30)

Important Details:

  • Small groups - 5 scouts per shift. 
    It makes it easy, smooth, and makes us look like we're the most well behaved Scout troop on the Peninsula!
  • Time commitment:
    • One sales event
    • Tigers 30 minutes; other ranks - at least 1 hour
    • 6 times available
  • Scouts:
    • In uniform, shirts tucked in, and hats on
    • Siblings are welcome
    • All requested to be respectful, polite, and courteous at all times
      (no running around/up to guests)
  • Requested Parent Volunteer Support:
    • Two-deep Leadership
      • For compliance and child safety - we must always have two level deep supervision.  This means two parents per sales shift.  Parents you can split this as you need.
    • Lead Cashier/Money handler
      • Each sales hour needs one parent for this role
      • Handles money and change making
    • Del Monte Center Setup Crew:
      • Arrive 15 minutes early
      • Check in at the "Info Desk" in the middle of the Promenade
      • Center will provide a table and a tent
      • Signs and mistletoe will be picked up and dropped off with the change
    • Del Monte Center Tear Down Crew:
      • Remember - A Scout is Clean 
      • Clean up the area (trash, drinks, etc)

Please note:  The pack will help subsidize each scout that goes on the U.S.S. Hornet this year. Please let your son know, as this may help them try to make sales.

The sales location is Below:

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Saturday Mistletoe Sales

Hi All,
Saturday Dec 2nd is our first Mistletoe sales day at Del Monte Center.
This list will apply for all sales dates at Del Monte Center. As well as Star market.

Please Note: Star Market sales will be done on SUNDAY dec10, and SUNDAY Dec 17 from 10:30 to 12:30

Del Monte Center will have sales days available for all three SATURDAYS in Dec, 2, 9, 16. from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.

We have added a sign-up sheet on the blog of the attendance spreadsheet .  Titled, 2017 Mistletoe Sales dates. Please add your name to the time or times that you are able to work. Currently only the Del Monte center sign-ups are available.

We need a minimum of two parents per shift by scout requirements, we must always have two level deep supervision.
First shift must show up ready to work at least 15 mins early, check in at info desk center in middle of the Promenade.
The last shift will be responsible for any clean up of our area. (ie: no trash or leave-its of any kind by us, please. A scout is clean.)
We need one lead per shift. If you take the lead role you will handle the change for customers. As well as hand off the change to the next lead person on the following shift.
The first and last lead will get additional info on when and where to meet to get and deliver the change.
Please have all scouts in uniform, shirts tucked in, and hats on. Siblings are welcome to help sell as well.
Three to five scouts per shift, no more than five please. Beyond that number it gets out of control for everyone, and the Del Monte Center might have an issue.
Please do not have the boys running around the mall area. We are to be respectful, and courteous at all times.
We will be working on a couple of signs to hang on the table. The center will provide a table and tent for us.

Signs as well as mistletoe will be picked up and dropped off with the change. Tape will be provided to attach the signs to  the table.

Please note:  The pack will help subsidize each scout that goes on the U.S.S. Hornet this year. Please let your son know, as this may help them try to make sales.

The sales location is Below:

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Nov 27 - Mistletoe Meeting Reminder

Hello everyone,
Just a reminder we are meeting Monday November 27.  Our meetings are the SECOND and FOURTH Mondays of the month.

Mistletoe work this Monday, all hands would be appreciated.

See you there!

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Volunteers needed Saturday - Mistletoe gathering

Hi all!

Wishing all our Scouting families a warm, grace-filled day of Thanksgiving this holiday year.

Our next meeting turns our hands to the merry task of mistletoe packaging for our pack fundraiser.

We are in need of a few folks to help gather the mistletoe this Saturday 11/25.  It's a great opportunity to get some fresh air and burn off some of the wonderful feast!

Please respond directly to Paul or the main Pack email ( with your full name and contact information. 

Requirements - just a few hours of your time and the ability to climb and cut.  All equipment will be supplied. 

Thanks in advance!

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Meeting November 13

Hello everyone,
Just a reminder we are meeting Monday November 13.  Our meetings are the SECOND and  FOURTH Mondays of the month.

See you there!

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Veterans Day Parade Saturday

Hi all!
What a great hike last week!

Quick reminder - no meeting tomorrow.  Please join us for the Salinas Veteran's Day Parade this coming weekend - Saturday, November 11.  Al will be leading us on this.

Arrive by 1:15 so we can be settled by Opening Ceremonies and get registered.  
All family members are free to join in.  Scouts wear your uniform and show Pack 93 pride.

Where:  Salinas High School Parking lot on Main Street.
When: 1:15 - 4PM

If you’re attending, add your name to the attendance spreadsheet so we know to expect you..

Upcoming events:

  • Reminder - no meeting Monday
  • Nov 13 - normal meeting
  • Nov 27 - Mistletoe!