Tuesday, December 14, 2021


Mistletoe Fundraiser


It was all hands on deck last night bundling mistletoe!  Thanks to everyone for their help, it was awesome.  We estimate having just shy of 300 bundles to sell.


We are all set for our Mistletoe sales this upcoming Saturday, 12/18 and Sunday, 12/19.  We’ll be at Star Market & the Del Monte Mall both days from 12:00 – 4:00.  This has proven to be a great way to raise funds to support pack activities and help reduce the cost of events such as camping outings or sleepovers.  However, we can only be successful if everyone helps out.  


Please go to the attendance sheet and sign up for a shift (or several!) if you have not already done so.  We are very light on Sunday at both locations.  Each hour will need a Lead (see bullet below), please put “Yes” in the Lead column if you are willing to help out here and there is no Lead already identified.  Your contact # would be great too, so we can coordinate details.





Important Details:

·       Scouts:

o   In uniform, shirts tucked in, and hats on

o   Siblings are welcome

o   All are requested to be respectful, polite, and courteous at all times
(no running around/up to guests)

·       Requested Parent Volunteer Support:

o   Two-deep Leadership

§  For compliance and child safety - we must always have two level deep supervision.  This means two parents per sales shift.  Parents you can split this as you need.

·       Lead Cashier/Money handler

o   Each sales hour needs one parent for this role

o   Handles money and change making

·       Del Monte Mall

o   We will be located at the Fountain courtyard in front of Zales/Lululemon.  The mall will have a tent, tables and chairs set up for us

·       Star Market

o   We will be located at the front of the entrance and will need to provide our own table.  We’ll coordinate with the morning shifts on this.  Victor is our Star Market contact

·       Arrive at your shifts a few minutes early so a hand-off/transition can be coordinated


Lastly, a few housekeeping items.  Pinewood Derby cars were handed out last night.  If you weren’t there and need a car kit, please contact Sara Madson at 818-261-8734.


We had several lost items last night as well.  If you are missing a purple mitten or a Tiger neckerchief slide, let Sara Madson know.

Saturday, November 20, 2021


                                    Upcoming Meetings


Just a reminder that we will not be having a meeting on Monday, 11/22.  Instead, we’ll be meeting the following Monday, 11/29.  Wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!

Thursday, November 11, 2021

 Details for Mitteldorf Preserve Hike - Saturday 11/13 at 10am

Looking forward to our hike this Saturday, 11/13 at Mitteldorf Preserve!  This will be an approx. 4 mile hike, so please bring lots of water, snacks and lunch if you want.  We will have time to stop and enjoy a picnic.  Please also dress in layers and bring hats and sunscreen.

We should all meet in the parking lot on the right just outside the Santa Lucia Preserve (SLP) gate. Once everyone arrives, we can caravan through the gate and to the parking lot at the trailhead. We will not have cell service once we pass through the SLP gate.

We will need to sign the waiver form before we can begin the hike.

Property Description

Mitteldorf Preserve (adjacent to the Santa Lucia Preserve in Carmel Valley) is often described as a magic place; home to the County’s largest redwood tree, site of a stream where steelhead run, and a place where a close human connection to nature happens almost instantaneously.  Hike to Lodge is a stunning 2-mile (one-way) hike on a dirt road winding through a dense redwood canyon carved by a beautiful steelhead stream. Enjoy a picnic on the back patio of a 1930’s era hunting lodge while you look out at the largest redwood tree in Monterey County. Nature Loop is a ¾-mile loop from the lodge that immerses you in the redwood forest ecosystem and crisscrosses Williams Creek on newly restored bridges since the fire.


Directions from Monterey

·      Take Highway 1 South towards Carmel

·      Make a left on Carmel Valley Road. Continue for 2.2 miles

·      Turn right onto Rancho Carlos Rd and continue for 1.1 miles to arrive at the Santa Lucia Gatehouse

·      Continue on Rancho San Carlos Road for 4.2 miles

·      Make a right on the dirt road with the sign that says “Williams Canyon.” Park on the left side of the road.


Directions from Salinas

·      Head west on CA-68 W

·      Turn left on Laureles Grade. Continue for 5.8 miles

·      Turn right onto W Carmel Valley Rd. Continue for 7.4 miles

·      Turn left onto Rancho Carlos Rd and continue for 1.1 miles to arrive at the Santa Lucia Gatehouse

·      Continue on Rancho San Carlos Road for 4.2 miles

·      Make a right on the dirt road with the sign that says “Williams Canyon.” Park on the left side of the road.


So we know who will be joining us, please sign up on the attendance spreadsheet on the blog at: http://pack93toro.blogspot.com/p/attendance-spreadsheet.html


We hope to see everyone on Saturday!

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

 Hike at Mitteldorf Preserve, Saturday 11/13 at 10am


Our next hike will be at the Mitteldorf Preserve in Carmel Valley on Saturday November 13th at 10am.  The Mitteldorf Preserve has been closed the last few years and was recently re-opened for visitors.  It is owned by the Big Sur Land Trust and can be visited only with approval.  


We are working with our contact at the Big Sur Land Trust to iron out the details around parking and property access.  For now, please save the date on your calendars. 




Please note that this is not in the Monterey Bay Trekkers series, so there will be no patch on this hike.

Thursday, October 7, 2021


             Palo Corona Hike Saturday, October 16th at 1:00pm


Pack 93 Families,

Please join us on Saturday, October 16th at 1:00pm for a hike at Palo Corona.  This will earn your scout another patch in the Monterey Bay Trekkers series!

This should be a nice easy hike, appropriate for all ages, so please bring the family.  Please bring water, sunscreen, hats and snacks. We also suggest having a good, nutritious lunch prior to meeting us.  Dressing in layers is also suggested as the weather can be a little unpredictable out in Carmel.

Let’s meet outside near the Visitors Center.  You’ll find it right next to the parking lot at the park entrance and will be a good place for us to gather. 

From Highway 1, take Carmel Valley Road to Rio Road (next to Community Church of the Monterey Peninsula).  Turn left off Rio Road to enter the park, where ample parking is available.

More info can be found here: https://www.mprpd.org/palo-corona-regional-park

So we know who will be joining us, please sign up on the attendance spreadsheet on the blog at: http://pack93toro.blogspot.com/p/attendance-spreadsheet.html 

We hope to see everyone on 10/16!

Also, a quick reminder that we have our next Pack meeting on Monday, 10/11 at 6:00.  We’ll meet at our normal location, in the outside area at the Church of the Good Shepherd.  J

Friday, September 24, 2021

Reminder - Pack meeting on 9/27

Just a reminder that we have a Pack meeting on Monday, 9/27 at 6:00pm.  We'll be meeting at the The Church of the Good Shepherd, in the outside fire pit area.  301 Corral De Tierra Rd., Salinas, CA, 93908

Also, hold the date for Saturday, 10/16 for our next hike at Palo Corona in Carmel.  This will earn your scout a patch, in lieu of Pico Blanco which is closed.  



Friday, September 10, 2021

 Hike at Nisene Marks on Saturday, 9/18

Our next hike in the Monterey Bay Trekkers series will be on Saturday, 9/18/21 at Nisene Marks.  We will meet at the parking lot at 1:00 pm at the Main Entrance Station. The whole family is welcome to come and will earn your Cub Scout a Monterey Bay Trekkers patch! 

We will be hiking through peaceful redwood groves that have recovered after a 40-year logging frenzy from 1883 to 1923.  It is also near the epicenter of the October 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake in Aptos Canyon, and crevices and landslides are still visible on the canyon walls. There will be lot’s to see during this outing!

Nisene Marks is located at Aptos Creek Rd, Aptos, CA 95003.  More info regarding the park can be found at https://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=666  

Be aware that there is a $8 vehicle day-use fee. Feel free to come early and enjoy a picnic lunch before the hike.

Please sign up on the attendance spreadsheet for the hike if you plan to participate so we know how many hikers to expect.  For those who will participate, be sure to bring water, sunscreen, layers depending upon the weather, and a lunch/snacks.

We hope to see you there!

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Pack 93 Monthly Meetings


Pack 93 Families,

We are resuming our twice monthly meeting schedule, meeting on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month.  For September, that means we are meeting this upcoming Monday, 9/13 and then again on Monday, 9/27.  We'll start at 6:00 pm.


Meetings will be held at The Church of the Good Shepherd, in the outside fire pit area.  301 Corral De Tierra Rd., Salinas, CA, 93908


We’ll start with the flag ceremony and will have a short advancement ceremony for the scouts moving from Bear to Webleos.  Then we’ll break out into our dens and do a few skits.


Can’t wait to see everyone!

Thursday, June 3, 2021

 2021 Camping Trip – Big Sur

REMINDER to please sign up on the attendance sheet if you plan to camp with us.  We need the headcount info. to plan meals.


We have set a date for our summer camping trip!  We’ll be spending one night at the Santa Lucia Chapel & Campground in Big Sur on Saturday, 6/26.  This campground is owned by the Diocese that the Church of the Good Shepherd belongs to and they’ve graciously allowed us to enjoy.  The campground is located at 46896 California Highway One, Big Sur 93920. 





The Santa Lucia Chapel and Campground is located 26 miles south of Carmel on Highway 1 — approximately one-quarter mile south of the River Inn on the west side of the highway. Upon exiting Highway 1, take an immediate right turn, drive past the Big Sur Health Center, and turn left at the entrance to Santa Lucia Chapel and Campground. Stop at the entrance and wait to be admitted by the Campground Caretakers.


There are NO showers at the campsite and NO hot water, but they do have restrooms and cold running water.  Only 2 vehicles can park at the campsite, but there is overflow parking just outside of the campground.  The campground requires that all campers sign a release form and COVID form for everyone over the age of 18.  


Check-in is from 2:00pm – 6:00pm on 6/26 and check-out on the 27th is no later than 11:00am.


Details coordinating food and the total cost will be forthcoming, but plan for about $40 per person.


Please sign up on the attendance spreadsheet no later than Friday, 6/11 so we can plan the food quantities.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

 2021 Camping Trip – Big Sur 

We have set a date for our summer camping trip!  We’ll be spending one night at the Santa Lucia Chapel & Campground in Big Sur on Saturday, 6/26.  This campground is owned by the Diocese that the Church of the Good Shepherd belongs to and they’ve graciously allowed us to enjoy.  The campground is located at 46896 California Highway One, Big Sur 93920. 





The Santa Lucia Chapel and Campground is located 26 miles south of Carmel on Highway 1 — approximately one-quarter mile south of the River Inn on the west side of the highway. Upon exiting Highway 1, take an immediate right turn, drive past the Big Sur Health Center, and turn left at the entrance to Santa Lucia Chapel and Campground. Stop at the entrance and wait to be admitted by the Campground Caretakers.

There are NO showers at the campsite and NO hot water, but they do have restrooms and cold running water.  Only 2 vehicles can park at the campsite, but there is overflow parking just outside of the campground.  The campground requires that all campers sign a release form and COVID form for everyone over the age of 18.  

Check-in is from 2:00pm – 6:00pm on 6/26 and check-out on the 27th is no later than 11:00am.

Details coordinating food and the total cost will be forthcoming, but plan for about $40 per person.

Please sign up on the attendance spreadsheet no later than Friday, 6/11 so we can plan the food quantities.

We’ll post another blog closer to the date with further details and a list of suggested things to pack. 

Thursday, March 18, 2021


Blue & Gold Picnic – Saturday, 3/27


Since we were not able to have our traditional Blue & Gold Dinner in February we are planning a Blue & Gold Picnic.  We’ll hold the picnic at the Church in their outdoor area on Saturday, 3/27 at 11:30am. The weather will hopefully be a bit warmer!  Please bring your own food, including drinks, lunch, sweet treats, etc.  This is open to the whole family.  We will also be stuffing Easter eggs to drop off at a family warming shelter in preparation for Easter celebrations they have planned for their families.  For the Bears, this will satisfy the Fellowship & Duty to God/Community support activity.  If we have time, we can also take a short hike around the Church grounds.  


Please sign up on the attendance spreadsheet if you plan to participate so we know how many to expect. 

We hope to see you there!

Sunday, January 17, 2021

 Hike at Elkhorn Slough on Saturday, 1/30

Our January hike will be taking place on Saturday, 1/30/21 at Elkhorn Slough.  We will meet at the parking lot at 10:30am. This is a family friendly hike, with lots of wildlife and will earn your cub scout a Monterey Bay Trekkers patch! 

The visitor center is closed at this time. However, they are not charging an entrance fee and all COVID protocols are being observed.

Elkhorn Slough is located at 1700 Elkhorn Road, Watsonville.  More info regarding the park can be found at:  https://www.elkhornslough.org/esnerr/visitor-information/ 

Please sign up on the attendance spreadsheet for the hike if you plan to participate so we know how many hikers to expect.  For those who will participate, be sure to bring water, sunscreen, layers depending upon the weather, and a lunch/snacks.

We hope to see you there!

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Pinewood Derby Reminder


Pack 93,

We are not going to have the traditional derby this year due to concerns with the ability to social distance.  However, we did purchase car kits and would like give families the opportunity to make a car.  


Please have your cars complete by Saturday, January 16th.  We'll ask that the completed cars be dropped off at 11am at the church so that everyone can see what was created.  There will be an outdoor area set up to view the cars and we’ll have awards across various categories:


·      Most Unique Derby Car

·      Most Humorous Derby Car

·      Most Impressive Paint Job

·      Most Realistic Design

·      Judge’s Choice

·      People’s Choice 


This is the year to focus on design and imagination without having to worry about the racing requirements.  Even though we won't be racing, we thought having the boys create their cars would still be a nice learning experience and a good way to incorporate some additional family time during the holiday break.   So let those creative juices flow and have fun with it!!


If you don’t have your car kit yet, please reach out to your Den leader.  


So we know who will be joining us, please sign up on the attendance spreadsheet on the blog at: http://pack93toro.blogspot.com/p/attendance-spreadsheet.html .