Saturday, October 17, 2020

Pack 93 Halloween Trivia & Scavenger Hunt

Join us on Saturday, October 31st at 10am for a Halloween themed family activity. We will be meeting at the outdoor area at the Church of the Good Shepherd. Each scout (with their siblings, if applicable) will be lined up 6 feet apart and will need to answer a series of trivia questions to advance up the line. The trivia questions will be scout or Halloween related. When they reach the top, they will be given a riddle to locate their bag of candy. Scouts and siblings will solve the riddle together, but each will have their own bag of candy. Please have the kids come in their costume. 

 We will be observing proper COVID etiquette so masks and social distancing will be required. 

Please RSVP on the attendance sheet by Friday, 10/23 so we can have the headcount to ensure we have enough trivia questions, riddles and candy. 

We hope to see you there!!

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