Sunday, March 9, 2014

Meeting info for March 10th

Hello everyone,

We will be working on several aspects of the Citizenship badge and belt loop at tomorrow's meeting.

While the boys are doing that, our District Executive, Renee Forrest will be addressing the parents about the Friends of Scouting program.  This is a fundraising effort on behalf of the local Council we are part of.  These funds go to support the professional staff, and the camps and other activities that are provided by the council.  None of these funds go directly back to our Pack.

For the Citizen Activity badge, Mary Catherine Malley will be leading our program.

1. We will be teaching the boys about the US Flag, including how to fold, hang and dispose of a worn-out flag. Do you have a flag that you could bring to the meeting for us to use? I would like to have up to 6 flags. I think Good Shepherd has a flag pole. I will ask them if we can use it.

2. I would like to divide the boys into groups and allow them to rotate through the different aspects of the Citizenship tasks to cover during the meeting. Would you be able to help to run a station?
(If you are available, I will send a separate email to you about the task that I would like you to do.)

3. Take a look at the Citizenship badge in the Webelos Handbook. The information is very straightforward. It lays out clearly the tasks that we need to teach the boys over the course of several meetings.

4.For the Tiger Scouts, look at item 2D.  It talks about doing the flag ceremony.

Thank you for your help. If you have any questions, ideas or advice, please send an email or give me a call. 676-3214

Mary Catherine Malley

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