Thursday, January 5, 2023

Pinewood Derby on Saturday, January 21st

 Happy New Year, Pack 93 Families!

Please make sure you block SATURDAY, January 21st starting at 11:00 am on your calendars for the Pinewood Derby at the Church.


Races will run from 11am to 1pm.  We’ll conduct a series of races by Den to determine winners and then some races at the Pack level to determine overall 1st, 2nd & 3rd place winners. We’ll also have awards for Best Paint Job, Most Unique and People’s Choice.


Weather allowing, starting a 1pm we’ll have a BBQ.  The Pack will supply hot dogs, hamburgers, buns and condiments.  If you want a different protein, please bring your own and we can throw it on the grill.  Each den will then bring other items to round out our feast.  We’ve broken it out by category and your Den leader will contact you to coordinate the details. 

·      Lions/Tigers – Fruit

·      Wolves – Drinks

·      Bears – Chips

·      Webelos – Salad (ex. – green, potato, macaroni)


Please bring your own plates, utensils, napkins, etc.


So we know how much food to buy, please sign-up on the attendance sheet for the BBQ no later than Monday, 1/16.


Hopefully all the scouts received a Pinewood Derby car kit at our last meeting in December.  If your scout hasn't received a car yet, we’ll have kits at the 1/9 meeting or contact your Den Leader.  

Lots of info on the Pinewood Derby can be found on the blog at  A lot of the information is generic but will give a good idea of how the derby will work. 

We will have scales to weigh cars to make sure they meet the maximum weight limit of 5 ounces.  We will also have some repair items in case a car loses a wheel/axel, etc.  If you have questions about any aspects of the Pinewood Derby, please feel free to ask your Den leader.


Lastly, our meeting on Monday, 1/9 will be a Pinewood Derby prep meeting.  We’ll have car kits, scales, tools and parents with Derby experience so we can all collaborate and ensure we are ready for the big day!

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