Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Church paving project

Hello everyone,

We received the email below from the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, the sponsor of our troop.  

Please read the message carefully and consider making a donation to help repave the lower parking lot where many of us park for scout meetings.  The church provides our troop with a great deal of services and they ask very little in return.  This is an excellent opportunity for our Pack to show our appreciation.

The lower parking lot by the BBQ area is in serious need of repair. We are asking that everyone who uses the parking lot help out with raising the funds to put on a new chip seal surface (that should extend the life of the lot another decade or more.) I'm writing to ask that you invite scout families to participate. If we all help out, we can do this!

Here's some suggested text for your email: 

As Scout families, we use the church parking lot where our meetings are held - and that lot needs our help. Please donate to this project! Let's do our part. Here's where you can get more information and donate: https://www.gofundme.com/patchthepotholes   The total cost of the new chip seal surface is $14,500. The whole community that uses these facilities is raising $8,000 of that total. Please help out - and share to your FB page. https://www.gofundme.com/patchthepotholes  The church thanks you. We, as Scout leaders, thank you. 

Thank you for sharing. We can do this! 


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