Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Mistletoe Selling Saturday Star Market 10am-12 noon

Hi Pack 93 Families,
We managed to put together 200 bundles of mistletoe at our last meeting. All we need to do now is sell it! Each family took 5-10 bundles to sell to friends and neighbors.

We have arranged to sell at Star Market in Salinas on Saturday Dec 3rd and Dec. 10th from 10am-12 noon and we are working on selling at Del Monte shopping center Dec. 10th. We have an attendance sheet for you to sign up and help. You can also join together with other den members and sell in your neighborhoods.

Please remember this is the only fundraiser we are doing this year so equal participation is much appreciated. This is a great opportunity to let your child interact with adults and work with his other pack members as a team. He will learn how to fund raise in a polite manner and how to thank people for supporting the pack.

Go Pack 93!

Thanks, Lucy.


  1. Where is the attendance sheet? My scout and I will sign up for a shift on either day.

    1. Hi Adam, On this blog site select " Attendance Sheet" then click on the link from that page and it will open the excel page for you to sign up.

