Saturday, September 20, 2014

Den Meeting Sep 22nd - Webelos info

Dear Webelos Parents:
On Monday the boys will continue to work on the Communicator Activity Badge. We will also work on the Communicating and Computer Belt Loops. We will finish most of the requirements at this meeting. Noah and Doug Fouts will be teaching your son about computers. Doug and Noah are very knowledgeable and have prepared a great program for the boys!

To finish these requirements, we need you to have your son:
1. Print out the belt loop worksheet requirements for communicating.
2. Complete the first three requirements on page 1 of the Communicating Belt Loop Worksheet:

        a. Be prepared to relate a SHORT story or incident. It can be about an event at cub scout camp, or other scouting event. Perhaps a favorite or funny event or something that your son enjoyed or learned through scouts, etc. The story or incident can be short, about a topic of interest to your son and fit in the box on the worksheet. If your son needs more space, that is fine, yet keep it short enough to share briefly at the meeting on Monday. 

b. Write a letter or thank you note to a relative or a friend on the computer and print it out. Bring the letter to meeting on Monday all addressed and ready to send.

c. Make a small poster (81/2 x 11 is good) about something that interests your son. I was thinking that perhaps they can write an original poem or story (see a above and #1 on page 2 of the worksheet) and then illustrate the sides of the story or add pictures or words from magazines. This approach would allow the boys to combine the two requirements in this a and c with #1 on page 2 of the Communicating Belt Loop worksheet while making something fun, interesting and not too time consuming.
3. Under your supervision, send an email to a friend or relative and reply to their responses.

4. Choose four other items to do either this weekend or before the following meeting.
5. Go onto the internet and visit the Boy Scouts of America website ( . It would be fun for you and your son to look at our Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council's website ( Sign up for the weekly email to see if there are events coming up that might interest your son. The STEM and outdoor activities look great.

6. Learn how to use the library's website to search for and order a book to pick up.
If your son has not had a chance to read the Webelos handbook, please be sure that your son read pages 187 to 196 in the Webelos handbook. It would be great if you had a chance to read it too. 
Now that the boys are in 5th grade and headed to Boy Scouts, it is important for them to take a more active role leading aspects of our meetings. We will have opportunities for the boys to present at our meeting.

Thank you Aiden Banks, Mark Foley and Eamon Malley who presented at the last meeting. Aiden taught the boys how to sign the Cub Scout Promise. Mark taught the boys how to say the Promise as well as the Our Father in Spanish. Eamon and his Dad said the Indonesian version of the Promise in English and Indonesian.

Thank you for your support of the boys in scouting!!
Mary Catherine and Mike Malley

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