Hello everyone,
We had a great November with lots of activities! Hopefully everyone was able to enjoy them!
For December, we are planning on volunteering at the Food Bank in Salinas, on Dec 7th from 9AM to 12. More info will be coming out soon.
Our only Pack meeting will be Monday December 9th at 6:30 at the Church. January is the exciting Pinewood Derby! We will be giving the boys their car kits at the meeting on Dec 9th so please be sure to be there!
The following is for the 4th grade families:
The Pack has grown quite a bit over the past year. We now have 18 boys total. Growth is good, but with it come challenges. Our Webelos Den, the 4th graders, is now at 12 boys, with another one or two interested that I know of. The Den is the core unit of Cub Scouts, and ideally should be 4-10 boys. Once it gets over that size, it can be challenging to manage.
We are at that point now. 12 boys is a bit much for one den, and it is time to divide it into two dens. We can do this where we all continue to meet at the same time, just going to different 'corners' during the meetings. I have also heard from a couple parents who are asking about meeting at a different time, specifically after school, so this could be another way to divide up the 4th graders. One group could continue to meet in the evenings as we have been doing, and one group could meet in the afternoons. Since a couple parents have asked about that, I have updated our Attendance page in order to take a survey of all the 4th grade families to determine your preference.
Please go to the attendance page, and indicate if you want to continue with the evening group, or if you want to become part of an afternoon group. We will review this input and determine the best course of action to take. If this seems viable, we can do it that way. If not, then we will stick with our current time and just divide the boys into two groups.
However we decide to do this, one thing is vital. We must have more parental involvement to be successful. We need more parents at the meetings who are taking an active role in running the meetings. Please think about how you could help out.
Thanks very much.
Steve Tackett
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