Friday, September 24, 2021

Reminder - Pack meeting on 9/27

Just a reminder that we have a Pack meeting on Monday, 9/27 at 6:00pm.  We'll be meeting at the The Church of the Good Shepherd, in the outside fire pit area.  301 Corral De Tierra Rd., Salinas, CA, 93908

Also, hold the date for Saturday, 10/16 for our next hike at Palo Corona in Carmel.  This will earn your scout a patch, in lieu of Pico Blanco which is closed.    


Friday, September 10, 2021

 Hike at Nisene Marks on Saturday, 9/18

Our next hike in the Monterey Bay Trekkers series will be on Saturday, 9/18/21 at Nisene Marks.  We will meet at the parking lot at 1:00 pm at the Main Entrance Station. The whole family is welcome to come and will earn your Cub Scout a Monterey Bay Trekkers patch! 

We will be hiking through peaceful redwood groves that have recovered after a 40-year logging frenzy from 1883 to 1923.  It is also near the epicenter of the October 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake in Aptos Canyon, and crevices and landslides are still visible on the canyon walls. There will be lot’s to see during this outing!

Nisene Marks is located at Aptos Creek Rd, Aptos, CA 95003.  More info regarding the park can be found at  

Be aware that there is a $8 vehicle day-use fee. Feel free to come early and enjoy a picnic lunch before the hike.

Please sign up on the attendance spreadsheet for the hike if you plan to participate so we know how many hikers to expect.  For those who will participate, be sure to bring water, sunscreen, layers depending upon the weather, and a lunch/snacks.

We hope to see you there!

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Pack 93 Monthly Meetings


Pack 93 Families,

We are resuming our twice monthly meeting schedule, meeting on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month.  For September, that means we are meeting this upcoming Monday, 9/13 and then again on Monday, 9/27.  We'll start at 6:00 pm.


Meetings will be held at The Church of the Good Shepherd, in the outside fire pit area.  301 Corral De Tierra Rd., Salinas, CA, 93908


We’ll start with the flag ceremony and will have a short advancement ceremony for the scouts moving from Bear to Webleos.  Then we’ll break out into our dens and do a few skits.


Can’t wait to see everyone!