Thursday, March 18, 2021


Blue & Gold Picnic – Saturday, 3/27


Since we were not able to have our traditional Blue & Gold Dinner in February we are planning a Blue & Gold Picnic.  We’ll hold the picnic at the Church in their outdoor area on Saturday, 3/27 at 11:30am. The weather will hopefully be a bit warmer!  Please bring your own food, including drinks, lunch, sweet treats, etc.  This is open to the whole family.  We will also be stuffing Easter eggs to drop off at a family warming shelter in preparation for Easter celebrations they have planned for their families.  For the Bears, this will satisfy the Fellowship & Duty to God/Community support activity.  If we have time, we can also take a short hike around the Church grounds.  


Please sign up on the attendance spreadsheet if you plan to participate so we know how many to expect. 

We hope to see you there!