Saturday, January 11, 2020

Pack 93: First Meeting of 2020 on Monday, January 13th and Pinewood Derby on Saturday, January 25th

Happy New Year, Pack 93 Families!

Just a quick reminder that our first meeting of 2020 will be this Monday, January 13th at our normal time of 6:00 pm.  We hope to see you all there.   

Please also make sure you block SATURDAY, January 25th at 2:00 pm on your calendars for the Pinewood Derby at the Church.

Hopefully all the boys received a Pinewood Derby car kit at our last meeting in December.  If your scout hasn't received a car yet, be sure to pick one up this Monday night so you and your scout will have time to build it prior to the 25th.  If you can't attend on Monday, please contact your Den Leader to get a car. 

Lots of info on the Pinewood Derby can be found on the blog at  A lot of the information is generic, and not necessarily how we will run the races, but it gives a good idea.  We plan to run lots of races so every scout will have many chances to see their car run down the track. 

We will have scales to weigh cars to make sure they meet the maximum weight limit of 5 ounces.  We will also have some repair items in case a car loses a wheel/axel, etc.  If you have questions about any aspects of the Pinewood Derby, please feel free to ask your Den leader.

See you all Monday night!