Monday, December 30, 2019

Archery- Sat Jan 4th 8:30am-10am

Come join us this Saturday Jan 4th for a chance to practice your archery skills.

We will meet at Jim Cox's Archery Range. Cubs will get priority to shoot and if there is time the parents can also have a go. Cost is $10 per person. Price includes use of compound bows and time on the archery range. Please wear your class B uniform (blue pack t-shirt), if you have one. We have limited time on the range so please be prompt. Please sign up on the attendance sheet.

Meet 8:30am-10am (We must be done by 10am)
Jim Cox's Archery, 28 Quail Run Circle, Suite D, Salinas, CA 93907

See you all there!


Thursday, December 12, 2019

Pack 93 MIstletoe Sales on Saturday, December 14th and Meeting Monday, December 16th

Hi All,

We have one last opportunity to raise funds to support activities for our Cub Scouts this Saturday, December 14th at Del Monte Mall.  If your scout hasn't had a chance to sell mistletoe, please join us between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm in front of Macy's as detailed in the last blog posting.  At this point we have only two families signed up for Saturday, so we could really use additional help.  This is a great opportunity for the boys to learn sales skills. We've done very well so far and would like to close out our mistletoe sales with a bang (or a jingle... 😊 ).

Our second meeting in December will be this Monday, December 16th at our normal time of 6:00 pm at Church of the Good Shepherd.  This will be a fun evening of skits and treats, so don't miss it!

Hope to see you all Saturday and Monday!

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Just in Time for the Holidays--Mistletoe Sales!

Seasons Greetings Pack 93 Families!

Thanks to everyone who helped out with packaging mistletoe at our meeting last Monday.  We had a great turnout and packaged over 250 bags for sales starting this weekend.  Hopefully we'll have good weather and lots of holiday shoppers at Del Monte Mall and Star Market over the next two weekends.

Thanks also to those who have already signed up for time slots to sell mistletoe.  As a reminder, we plan to sell the packaged mistletoe at Del Monte Center and Star Market at the following dates/times:   
  • Del Monte Center: Saturday, Dec 7th and 14th (10:00 - 2:00 pm)
  • Star Market: Sunday, Dec 8th (11:00 - 1:00 pm)
Please sign up on the attendance spreadsheet at: for one or more blocks of time (1 hour minimum for Tigers, 2 hour blocks for other ranks). 

Important Details:
  • Time commitment:
    • Minimum one sales event (two would be even better!) 
    • Tigers 1 hour; other ranks - at least 2 hours (more if the boys can manage!)
  • Scouts:
    • In uniform, shirts tucked in, and hats on
    • Siblings are welcome
    • All requested to be respectful, polite, and courteous at all times
      (no running around/up to guests)
  • Requested Parent Volunteer Support:
    • Two-deep Leadership
      • For compliance and child safety - we must always have two level deep supervision.  This means two parents per sales shift.  Parents you can split this as you need.
    • Lead Cashier/Money handler
      • Each sales hour needs one parent for this role
      • Handles money and change making
  • Del Monte Center:
    • For the first shift at 10:00, check in at the "Info Desk" in the middle of the Promenade
    • Center will provide a table and a tent
    • Signs and mistletoe will be picked up and dropped off with the change
    • Remember - A Scout is Clean 
    • Clean up the area (trash, drinks, etc)
Please note:  The pack will help subsidize each scout that goes on the USS Hornet overnight this year. Please let your son know, as this may help them try to make sales.

The sales location at Del Monte Center is shown below (close to the front of Macy's):