Friday, March 22, 2019

Pack Meeting on Monday, March 25th and Cub Scout Day Camp Signup

Greetings Pack 93 Families,

Don't forget our second pack meeting of the month will be held at 6:00 pm on Monday, March 25th at the Church of the Good Shepherd, unless your den leader has made other arrangements.  We hope to see you all there!

It's also time to sign up for this summer's Cub Scout Day Camp:

Location:  Toro Park, 501 Monterey‐Salinas Highway 68, Salinas, CA 93908
Dates: June 17‐21, 2019
Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM,
               Tuesday 9:00 AM to 2:00 (ish) PM (Meet at Laguna Seca Shooting Range)
Cost: $100 + two volunteer days (the more boys we have participate, the more we can split our adult volunteer requirements between our parents.
Fun achievements for Tigers through Webelos/Arrow of Light including:
  • Scout Skills
  • Woodworking
  • Leather Projects
  • Nature
  • Hiking
  • Shooting Sports (Tuesday at Laguna Seca Shooting Range!)
  • Handicraft
  • Sports and Games
  • Water Day
  • STEM

Walk-In Registration Day
Saturday, March 23, 2019
10 AM to 12 noon  Salinas Elk Lodge
More information and on-line registration can be found at:



Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Hartnell Planetarium March 15th

Hartnell Planetarium - Two Times on March 15th

5:45 - Astronaut
Children’s Program

What does it take to become an astronaut? Explore the amazing worlds of inner and outer space, from floating around the International Space Station to manoeuvring through microscopic regions of the human body.
Discover the perils that lurk in space as we subject our test astronaut ‘Chad’, to everything that space has to throw at him.

Doors open at 5:15 PM Doors close and show starts at 5:30 PM. DO NOT BE LATE!

6:45 - INCOMING!
Audiences will discover how asteroids and comets have collided with our planet throughout history, changing the course of life on Earth and shaping the world we know today.

From the comfort of a planetarium seat, viewers will embark on a dynamic journey on the trail of asteroids and comets, get an up close look at the advanced technologies that allow scientists to detect asteroids before they reach Earth, and visualize historic space events billions of years in the making—all within an immersive, all-digital dome that brings the captivating story of our cosmic origins to life like never before.

Doors open at 6:45 PM Doors close and show starts at 7:00 PM. DO NOT BE LATE!
No food or drink in the planetarium.

 Tickets can be purchased online at or at the door. Ticket Pricing:  $4 for the Children's Show and $5 for the General Show.  They take cash and card.=