Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Pinnacles Family Camp May 25th-27th

Camping details

We are doing group cooking and food planning again this year. Please give myself or another den leader your check or we will send you a square invoice. $35 per person cost includes food for Friday night, all day Saturday, and Sunday breakfast.

Please remember that if you want snacks or special drinks that is up to you provide.

Here is a little information about the camp.

Directions: Head north on Hwy 101 to Hollister and continue about 30 miles to Hwy 146. Turn right on Hwy 146. Turn left into Pinnacles Campground, We will check in for the entire group, so make your way to the RV camping area to campground numbers. You do not need to pay the entrance fee, it is included in the camping fee.

What to bring:
  • tent, sleeping bag, blankets, flashlight
    (It can get very hot in the day and cool at night.)
  • AIR MATTRESS, (we are in an RV area, will need this!)
  • Personal items
  • camp plates/utensils/cups
  • camping chairs for everyone
  • swim suit for the pool
  • Bears and Webelos - pocket knives allowed under parental supervision
  • Food - provided - Friday dinner, Saturday all day, Sunday breakfast

A few spots are available.
Want to include your friends?  Registration is currently open to all.
Please email me with your names and count of persons you want to go. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

May 25 - 27 - Family Camp reminder

Hi all!
Requesting final registration count - as of last check we are about half full.  Talk about timing ... REI is having a great sale this weekend!

Please sign up by Thursday night, May 17.  After that we will open up registration to family friends who may want to attend.

Pinnacles is super close to home - stay 1 night or 2 it's up to you!

Details in case you missed it:
May 25 - 27 - Family Camp
Lucy did a great post on details, more specific itinerary will be posted soon.

  • Friday evening - Sunday 10AM
  • Cost - $35-40 (includes food/fees)
  • Registration capacity is 80
  • Registration deadline - May 16 now May 17. 
  • Ranger Programs - Junior Rangers, Condor Talks, and more


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Drum roll please... Final ceremony May 14th

Hi all - It's here!  The end of our scouting year!

Few announcements here:

  • May 14, Monday - Advancement Ceremony 
  • May 25 Fri-Sun   - Memorial Day Family Camp

May 14 - Advancement Ceremony We will meet at the Church hall at 6PM as usual.  Please have your Scout in uniform.

Monday May 14th we will celebrate the advancement of our Scouts to their new ranks and bid a fond farewell to those who are bridging over from Cub Scouting.  

I won't spoil the mystery, be assured it is a truly special event and absolutely a meeting you'll want to attend.

May 25 - 27 - Family Camp
Lucy did a great post on details, more specific itinerary will be posted soon.

  • Friday evening - Sunday 10AM
  • Cost - $35-40 (includes food/fees)
  • Registration capacity is 80
  • Registration deadline - May 16


Upcoming Pack 93 events:

  • May 12 - USS Hornet overnight
  • May 14 - Advancement
  • May 25 - Memorial Day Family Camp
  • June 18-22 Cubs Summer Day camp, Toro Regional Park (see your den leader for details).
  • Summer fun - hikes, day camps, rock climbing?  More soon!

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Memorial Weekend Family Camp May 25-27th

Calling all campers!

Memorial Weekend Family camp is finally here! This year we will be camping in Pinnacles National Monument and will be exploring the trails and caves on the East Pinnacles side. Please note: you cannot access this through King City, you have to go around the Hollister side.

We will be arriving Friday afternoon and staying until Sunday morning. 

Preliminary Details:

Date: Friday and Saturday May 25th and 26th, leaving Sunday morning. You are welcome to come for one or two nights. Flat rate per person, so come when you can.

Food: We provide all the food and cook as a team. Each family is assigned to help prepare one meal. You will be paired with someone who has done this before :)

Cost: $35-40 per person. Includes camping and food, regardless of when you arrive. So the longer you stay, the better deal you get. We will have a better idea of the numbers, once we see the head count.

Who can come: Your whole family is welcome. We can offer additional spots to friends if we have room. We have a limited number of spaces, so please sign up asap if you want a spot.

Camping equipment needed: Tent, air mattress, sleeping bags, chairs, plates and eating utensils and your personal items. Don't forget your swim suit, there is a small pool and it can get pretty warm.

We will bring all cooking equipment, we will need propane tanks, so if you have one let us know!

We will send out a more detailed itinerary nearer the time. Please sign up on the attendance sheet if you are planning to attend.

Thanks, Lucy.