Friday, February 27, 2015

Garland Hike Sat 28th 10am

Hi Everyone,

Rain or shine! Garland Ranch hike Sat Feb 28th 10am. Please bring water, snack and a jacket, it might rain. I think it's about a three mile loop. We are planning to pick up trash as we go, so bring a small trash bag and some gloves if you have them.

Thanks to everyone for helping with the Blue and Gold Dinner. A special thanks to cub scouts Jackson, Dylan L, Bryce and Matthew for helping set up. They can check off the party elective in their cub scout books.

See you in the parking lot at 10am!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Monday night Blue and Gold

Thanks to everyone for signing up.  Looks like we will have a nice crowd!

For planning purposed, bring enough of your dish for 10-12 people. 

Remember the start time is 5:30.

If anyone can come a bit early to help set up, please do.  We will need to get the tables out and set up the chairs.

For drinks, we are planning on having water and milk available.  If anyone wants something else, please bring it for yourself.

See you Monday night.


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Sign up Sign up Sign up!!

Looks like several families have signed up for the blue and gold dinner, but not everyone.  If you are planning on attending, please sign up by the end of Wednesday.  This will allow us to assess who all is coming and what all we need.

If you know you will not be able to attend, please let me know.
thank you

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Blue and Gold dinner theme and upcoming events

A few folks suggested we go with a theme for the food to make things easier, so we are going with Italian food, i.e. pasta, etc.

We have added a column to the spreadsheet for you to list which specific item you are bringing so that we avoid duplication.  Please update the list.

Also, the calendar page has been updated.  We have a few events scheduled in addition to our normal meetings.

Feb 28th hike at Garland Ranch in Carmel Valley meeting at 10:00
March 7th Toro fire station visit at 10:00
March 21st tour Monterey Custom House plaza area, at 10:00

USS Hornet overnight April 11/12.

thank you

Friday, February 13, 2015

Blue and Gold Dinner Feb 23rd 2015 at 5:30pm

Hello everyone,

February is the anniversary of Scouting in the USA.  To celebrate, we do a banquet called the Blue and Gold Dinner. This year we will be having our dinner on Monday February 23rd at the Church.  During the night we will have a program, which will involve skits the kids do, as well as handing out many awards that they have earned over the past few months.  It is a great night of recognition for the boys. 

Because we will be having dinner, we will start at 5:30.  This year we are going to do a potluck.  We will need main courses, side dishes/salads, desserts.  This is a family event, so the whole family is invited.  We do need to get an accurate count of who will be coming.  I have added a page under our Attendance spreadsheet tab on the blog.  Please go there and enter your family name and how many people total will be coming.  If you can sign up right away that would be great since the 23rd is not too far away. 

Families whose last names are A through F please sign up to bring a main course.
Families whose last names are G through P please bring a side dish/salad
Families whose last names are S and on, please bring a dessert.

For planning purposes last year we had nearly 70 people attending.

Based on actual signups we may need to adjust what everyone brings.

We will put out more information in the next few days.

thank you
Steve Tackett

Friday, February 6, 2015

Playground installation postponed, and next meeting

The playground build at Washington Union School is postponed due to expected rain tonight.

Also, our next meeting is this coming Monday Feb 9th at the Church.


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Washington Union School Service Project Saturday Feb 7th

Dear Scouts and Parents,

This Saturday 2/7 there is a great opportunity to put your building skills to work for the benefit of our school community.  Beginning at 9:00am join in a Community Build Day at Washington Union School.  Volunteers are needed to build a new playground.  Boys, girls, adults, families and friends are invited to build a playground for our children to enjoy during 4th and 5th grade.  More volunteers, means that the project will be finished faster!

If your sons and daughters like Legos, Minecraft and Pinewood Derby construction, they will love to build a playground at school.

Bring gloves, wheelbarrows, hoes, shovels and a tool box.  Expect to have fun and feel proud after working to make the new playground a reality!

A great community service project for the scouts and the whole family.
Principal Nancy Hayes would like to know if you are coming.  You can email her at
Wear your Pack 93 t-shirt!
Mary Catherine Malley