Thursday, January 30, 2014


Hello everyone,

Our next activity will be the Monterey History walk on Feb 9th.  Details to follow.

Our next meeting will be Feb 10th at 6:30 at the church.  At this meeting we would like to finish up the various achievements the boys have been working on, so that we can hand them out at the Blue and gold dinner.

For the Tiger Cubs, please review all the Bobcat requirements at home.  We will review them with you at the meeting and sign your books off.  Please bring your books!

For the Webelos scouts, in December we worked on the Fitness activity badge with Dj Hill.  This is on page 246 of your Webelos handbook.  Please go over the requirements.  You need to do 6 of the 7 listed.  Item 3 requires you to plan a week of meals with your family.  Item 4 asks you to keep a record of your meals and snacks for a week.  Please do these between now and Feb 10th.  The other items ask you to talk with an adult family member about alcohol, drugs and tobacco.  Please do this and sign those items off in the book. You can choose to do item 2 or 8.  Again, bring your handbooks so we can sign these off.

For the Tigers, Achievement 3 covers some of the fitness things we talked about, so we can sign off 3D at the meeting.  There is homework for it.  The boys are supposed to draw a food guide pyramid.

In November and January Pete Dickson talked to us about First aid, as part of the Readyman Achievement.  We will sign those items off as well, but there are a few the boys need to do with an adult, so please review those.  This is on page 366 of the handbook.

The fire station visit in November can count for the Tigers for item 2G. 

Please make sure all the boys bring their handbooks.

Please sign up for the  Blue and Gold Dinner!!

thank you

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Class B uniforms (t-shirts)

Hello everyone,

First, thanks to everyone for a great Pinewood Derby!  Thanks to everyone who helped with the track set up and take down, the timing, tracking the results of the races, etc.  Thanks to everyone for the great cars you built! 

Class B uniforms are basically an informal uniform the boys, and parents, can wear when going on events that might be a bit tough on the nice blue Cub Scout shirt.  This would be things like hikes, campouts, etc.  Dj Hill has put in a lot of effort researching different ideas and has come up with the following design for our Pack.  This is basically a t-shirt.  We'd like to put in an initial order.  Please review the link and check out the design.  Cost will be around $10 per shirt.  We will publish our order deadline soon.  If the link doesn't work, a picture is below.

Please sign up for the Blue and gold dinner.  We need a good count so we know what supplies we will need.  The Pack will provide the main course.  We will be asking families to bring side dishes, etc.  We will post more info about that soon, but again, need a good attendance count first.
thank you
Steve Tackett

Monday, January 27, 2014

Pinewood Derby Pictures 2014

Follow the link above to see or order pix from the Pinewood Derby on Shutterfly

Sunday, January 26, 2014


Hello everyone,
Start time for the Pinewood Derby is our normal time of 6:30, at the church.

For those who can help, we are meeting at 5:30 to set up the track.

Several families have signed up for the Blue and Gold Dinner.  If you haven't signed up yet, please do so.  If you will not be able to make it, please let us know.

See you all at the races!

Steve Tackett

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Pinewood Derby Race Rules


I apologize for the length of this post.  There are two items here related to the Pinewood Derby we are conducting Monday night, January 27th.  The first are the rules we will use to conduct the race.  The second is information from our local Scout District about a "Champions" Race they are conducting. 

Below are the rules we will use as we race our cars next Monday night.  In the past we have allowed siblings to build and race cars as well.  That is still allowed, and addressed in paragraph 8.  If there are any questions please let us know.

I also received information today that our local Scout district will be holding a district wide pinewood derby on Feb 23rd.  Our top three finishers will be eligible to run in that race.  There are some additional rules for that race.  I will bring some copies of the actual flyer, but wanted you to be aware of the very specific rules they have regarding the construction of the cars.

Cub Scout Pack 93 Pinewood Derby Race Procedures

1)   All cars will be weighed and measured before racing starts.  The maximum weight is 5 oz.  Scouts who build a car that is close to the 5 oz. limit are encouraged to bring the scale that proves the weight of their car does not exceed 5 oz.  The maximum length is 7” and the maximum width is 2.75”.

2)   All races will consist of one car racing against one other car.  All races will consist of two heats.  Between heats, cars will exchange lanes.  For each heat, a stop watch will be used to determine the length of time between the car that finished first and the car that finished second.  If a car wins both heats, it will be the winner of the race.  If one car wins the first heat and the other car wins the second heat, the winner of the race will be the car that won its winning heat by the largest time difference.

3)   The racing will consist of multiple rounds with the winners of each round proceeding to the next round.  If there is an even number of cars in the first round, all cars will race in the first round.  If there is an odd number of cars, one car will be selected by lottery to have a by in the first round of races and will not race until the second round.  After the first round of races has been completed, all winning cars will proceed to the second round of races, along with any car receiving a by in the first round of races.
4)   Additional rounds of races will be run until a single car emerges as the Grand Champion.  For each round, if there is an even number of cars in the round, all cars will race in the round.  If there is an odd number of cars, one car will be selected by lottery to have a by and will not race again until the next round.  Any car receiving a by in an immediately preceding round of races is not eligible to receive a by in the current round.  After the round of races has been completed, all winning cars will proceed to the next round of races, along with any car receiving a by in the current round.  The Grand Champion will be the car which has not lost a race after the end of the last round of races.

5)   If 4 or more usable lanes are available on the track, multiple races may be run simultaneously.

6)   If a car jumps the track, the heat will be run over.  If a car jumps the track two heats in a row in the same race, it will be declared the loosing car.

7)   If a car is touched by a car from a different race which has jumped the track, the car that has been touched and the car racing against it will be required to rerun the heat.

8)   Cars built by people who are not members of Pack 93 will be allowed to race each other following the same rules as for cars built my members of Pack 93.  A Grand Champion will be determined for all cars built by people who are not members of Pack 93.  A match race will then be held at the end between the Grand Champion for Pack 93 and the non-Pack 93 Grand Champion.

The information below comes from the District.

Top 3 Racers Welcome!!
Trophies & Ribbons
Don’t Miss It!!
2014 Santa Lucia District Pinewood Derby
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Check-In 9:30am, Racing 10:00am @ Elks Lodge Salinas
614 Airport Blvd., Salinas, CA 93905
Open to Top 3 Winners in All Santa Lucia Packs!
Discount for early registration!
$5 for Early Bird entry received on or before Feb 7.   $8 for entry received Feb 8  - Feb 21.
NO registration at the event.   Entry non-refundable after Feb 7.
***Bring a sack lunch***
Register to race in one of our categories: Tiger, Wolf, Bear and Webelos
Official BSA Standard Pinewood Derby Rules Apply
—-------------Cut & Mail to: SVMBC BSA at 919 Main Street, Salinas, CA 93906 --—
Yes! I would like to register one car in the 2014 Santa Lucia District Pinewood Derby to be held on Feb 23!

Scout Name:                                                                                                                          

Pack #:                          
Address, City, & Zip:                                                                                                          
Email Address:                                                                                          
Home Phone:                                                                                                          
Race Category: Tiger              Wolf               Bear                 Web1                              Web2            
$5 for Early Bird entry received on or before Feb 7.
$8 for entry received Feb 8 - Feb 21.  NO registration at the event.  Entry non-refundable after Feb 7.
Check (Payable to SVMBC BSA)                         Event Code: 871
□Cash/Money Order
□Credit Card #:Exp:               /
Amount $
Cardholder Signature:

The Official 2014 Santa Lucia District Pinewood Derby Rules

1       G R O U N D R U L E S

1.1     Tiger, Cub Scout and WEBELOS races are open to all registered Cub Scouts.

1.2    If there is a discrepancy between these rules and the information included in the Official Scout Derby Kit, these rules prevail.

1.3    Cars made for any previous district race may not be raced in the current years race.



2.1    Maximum overall width (including wheels and axles) shall not exceed 2-3/4" (2.750). The races may use tracks with side barriers, not center strips.

Therefore, fenders extending past the wheels run the risk of riding on top of the barrier separating lanes and will greatly slow the car.

2.2   Minimum width between wheels shall be 1-3/4" (1.750).

2.3   Minimum distance between bottom of car and track shall be 3/8 (0.375). This distance also applies to any protrusion from the bottom of the car or fenders mounted to the side of the car.

2.4   Maximum length shall not exceed 7", including accessories, wheels, etc.

2.5   Maximum height from the track shall be 3.

2.6   A flat surface or horizontal edge on the front center of each car, at least 1/8" wide, in the region 3/8" to 3/4" above the track (bottom of kit wood block to 3/8" above bottom of the block) with no other protrusions in front must be provided for the starting gate pin to rest against.



3.1    Weight shall not exceed 5.0 ounces (141.75 grams). The readings of the Official District Race Scale will be considered final. The car may be hollowed out and built up to the maximum weight by the addition of other materials provided the weights are securely built into the body or firmly affixed to it (no tape). No loose or liquid materials of any kind are permitted in or on the car.

3.2   Only B.S.A. Pinewood Derby Kit, Catalog #17000, #17006 or #17075 may be used and the wooden block provided in these kits must be used as the main body of the car. A molded metal body or a metal body over a wood frame is not permitted. **

3.3   Mercury shall not be used. It is a health hazard.

3.4   Details such as steering wheel, driver, spoiler, decals, painting, interior and exterior detail are permissible as long as these details do not violate length, width, clearance, and weight specifications.

3.5   Cars with wet paint or wet glue will not be accepted. No soft or sticky substances shall be allowed where the starting pin contacts the car.


4.1    The only wheels and axles allowed are from the B.S.A. Official Pinewood Derby Kits, Catalog #17000, #17006 &  #17075 or part replacement kits #17007 & #7609. No other wheels in contact with the track or track walls may be used on the car.

4.2   Wheel bearings, spacers or bushings are not allowed.

4.3   The car may not ride on any type of springs.

4.4   The car must be freewheeling, with no starting device or other propulsion.

4.5   The wheels may not be altered other than smoothing and de-burring.  The tread of the wheel must remain a flat surface that is parallel to the axle. The diameter and the tread width of the wheels cannot be altered. Lightly sanding and/or polishing the tread of the wheel to remove burs will not reduce the diameter or tread width. Decorations, details, tread, or text molded on the front or back of the wheel may not be removed.

4.6   Materials may not be removed or added to the wheels except as stated in 4.5 and 5.1.

4.7   The under side of the axle head may be ground or re-shaped to remove burs. However, the axle diameter may not be modified. Simple polishing of the axle will not alter the axle diameter.

4.8   No wheel covers (i.e. hubcaps) are permitted.

4.9   The wheel axles must use the wheel slots provided in the wooden block. The Official Inspection Team must be able to determine that the wheel slots have been used. Therefore, if the grooves are filled, the area of the filler must be unpainted.

4.10  All wheels must sit flat on a flat surface and roll together when the car is pushed.



5.1    Only dry powdered lubricants such as graphite or the official Pinewood Derby Axle Lube (Catalog #17106) may be used. Regular oils and silicone sprays are not allowed

5.2   Lubricant “wells” in the body of the car or in the wheels may not be used.

5.3   Excessive lubrication is prohibited. It may cause damage to the equipment or floors.



6.1    Once a car has been approved for racing, the car is checked in and impounded. It may not be handled by the race participant during the competition.

6.2   No additional lubricant may be added after the car has been checked in and impounded.

6.3   Electronic finishing devices will be used, but the order times are called by the race officials. Their decision is final. Ties are allowed.

6.4   If the electronic timing equipment or the track malfunctions, the heat is re-run.

6.5   If a car jumps the track, the heat is re-run. If the car jumps the track a second time it is disqualified.

6.6   If there is any damage to the car during the competition that would not allow the car to participate in further races, the scout may, at the discretion of the race officials, be given a short time to repair his car.

6.7   If a repair involves the replacement or a wheel or axle, the replacement part may be re-lubricated under the supervision of a race official.

6.8   Each car will be run at least once in each of the lanes of the track. The order of the winners will be determined by the fastest average time of all races.

6.9   Race times will be measured and calculated to the thousandths of a second (millisecond). Ties will be recognized and may result in multiple winners. There will be no runoffs.



7.1   Each car must pass inspection by the Official Inspection Team before it can compete. The Inspection Team has the right to disqualify those cars that do not meet these rules. Car owners will be informed of the transgression and given an opportunity to modify the car to meet these rules. If the car cannot be modified to meet the rules, at the discretion of the Race Committee, the car may be allowed to run but they cannot win the derby


7.2   Any participant (including the parent of a participant) has the right of appeal to the Race Committee for an interpretation of these rules. The Race

Committee, will be the final judge of these rules. The Race Committee Chairpersons decision will be final.

7.3   Any appeal of a car's compliance with the rules must be presented to the Race Committee prior to competition.